VP Global Development

VP Global Development Role Plays In Company

VP global development plays a big role in a company in this modern era. And that is what we will discuss in this section.

VP Global Development Introduction

A VP of global development is a high-level executive of the company. Who is responsible for developing the global presence of the company.

In some cases, the VP of global development is also responsible for overseeing the development of different products of the company that are currently being developed.

VP Global Development Duties and Responsibilities

The duties and responsibilities of a VP of global development are as follows:

  • Provide all necessary support to the company’s international offices. Including providing them with new technology and other resources.
  • Oversee the expansion of the company’s market share in other countries. How? By providing information about new markets to executives in different departments.
  • Help the international departments of the company to reach their goals and objectives. How? By providing them with information about new technologies or new trends in other countries, etc.
  • Track growth and performance metrics for each international office and provide recommendations. It is to executives based on those metrics.

Job Description

Below is a sample job description of a VP of global development:

The main purpose of is to develop the global business presence of an organization. This person should be capable enough to keep tabs on the performance metrics. Especially, for each country that is a part of the organization’s global business presence.

Including but not limited to:

  • market share,
  • revenue generated from different regions, etc

They should also be capable enough to provide recommendations on how to improve performance metrics based on their analysis.

The primary responsibility of this person will be to provide support to different departments of an organization. It could be directly involved in developing its overseas business presence.

For example, they will provide support for the human resources department. So that they can recruit talented individuals for each country that has an overseas office.

They will also help the finance department by providing them with information about conditions in different countries. Especially, in where business units are running.

So they can decide which country should receive funding for expansion or improvement. 

Another responsibility provided by these individuals is monitoring growth channel partners in each country. It Helps companies expand their business presence through channel partners.

They should be able to track performance metrics for channel partners in different countries and provide recommendations based on those metrics.

These individuals should also be able to provide education and training sessions to executives. Especially, in different departments.

So they can understand how they can help make overseas business operations more competitive than before. Using new technologies or following new trends in those regions. 


In conclusion, the VP of global development plays a vital role in a company. In this article, we discussed what a VP of global does. We also discussed the duties and responsibilities of this position.

We also discussed the job description of this position and provided an example of it. You can also find some sample resumes for a VP of global development in this article.

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